All work is custom but I work very visually so sending over reference images with a description of what you do and don’t like about each image will enable me build a better idea of what you want from your body art.
Having an idea of the placement you want is really helpful but don’t worry if you are not sure I can help you with this in your consultation, a photo showing where you want the tattoo can be really helpful.
The sizing of a tattoo also needs to be considered, the smaller the piece the less detail we can fit in also the bigger the design the longer it will take to do or may require multiple sittings. When explaining the desired size, please do so in cm/inches and let me know the body part you would like this to be on.
Its is really important that if you are wanting to cover up an existing tattoo that you let me know in advance and include a clear photo of what is to be covered.
Dont panic if the tattoo is big and dark we can use laser technology to fade it and give you a wider choice of tatoo to cover it with.
Drawing work for designs is researched in detail and a lot of time goes into getting this and your final design ready for you, in most cases I will go though he final artwork on the day of your appointment and make any adjustments needed.
Due to the popularity of the studio, it can sometimes mean there is a delay in our email replies or returning your calls as these are answered during allotted hours outside of opening times, please allow a minimum of 72 hours for me to respond.